A warm welcome to all our new tribe members who joined us for last week’s live training: How to Leave Your Soul-Sucking JOB in 90 Days (or Less!) by Creating a Feminine Transformational Business that Lets You Work Wherever and Whenever You Want.

Wow, this summer zipped by fast!

Are you ready for fall? Fall is an excellent time to create momentum and
manifest what you currently desire.
As for me, I am really proud and celebrating that even though there was a lot of chaos and unpredictability this summer (no school for the kids, combined with my ex-husband being more or less homeless, which meant, for him, not having a place to take the kids, and for me, never knowing whether or not he could care for them tomorrow…)

My business stayed the course, and I manifested short of $50,000 over the last 2 months! (Miracles DO exist!)

AND, I am very ready to have a consistent schedule! The kids are in school (yes, my son is starting preschool! That is very big.) I have been using these last days of summer to unify my energy so that I can move forward with a congruent intention. Why this is so important will be the content for today’s article, titled, “Are You All Over the Place and Therefore Not Manifesting What You Want?”

On that note, make it a great week!

My Love to YOU!

Featured Article

Are You All Over the Place and Therefore

Not Manifesting What You Want?

As you know, manifesting is one of my favorite subjects to talk about, and one of my favorite exploration studies in my own life.

Today, I want to talk about what is likely going on if you are not manifesting what you want.

To preface, there are three things necessary to manifest anything from the energetic realm into the material:

1. A burning desire
2. Belief that you will have what you ask for
3. Actions that are in alignment with your desire

So, if what you are calling in is not manifesting, it is because one, two, or all three of these things are off.

The manifestation process might sound simple, and it is. But easy? It is not.

Let’s look at desire first. Oftentimes,we think we want something, either because it’s what everyone else has or does, or because we believe we need a certain thing to get what we really want.

For example, we might think we want to own a house, because that’s what all successful entrepreneurs do. Alternately, we think we need a certain computer before we can get creative and write that book.

The problem with both of these examples is that even though they seem like true desires, they are not. In the first example, the desire is to be a successful entrepreneur, and in the second, the desire is to write a book.

Do you see what I mean?

So when things aren’t manifesting, check: are you all over the place with what you want, or are you deeply connected to that core desire that’s underneath all the things you think you want?

If in doubt, meditate on or contemplate this question: what does my heart really want? (Notice you are not asking your mind; you are asking your heart.)

Next, let’s look at your level of belief.

Do you believe that you can have what you are asking for?

If your belief is weak, find evidence around you that it is possible. Make a list of 15 reasons why that is so. Look at other people and use them as evidence that if they can have what you want, you can have it, too.

Lastly, taking the right action is really important, and also the trickiest part. Why? Because manifesting is not about you working hard and bringing something into the physical just by your own volition. This step is about partnering with the universe and being really tuned in to your intuition and taking action from that place. Whenever you feel like you are pushing, it’s time to actively surrender. (Yes, surrendering is an action, A very feminine one, I might add.)

If leaving your job (or any situation, for that matter, that doesn’t allow you to be the full-time independent, brilliant, conscious entrepreneur that you know you are meant to be) is your deep desire, and if you’d like help, message me on Facebook and I will hook you up, as I am gifting something very special this week.