I am coming across this all the time. Women who have tons of training, life experience, and expertise, PLUS they do all the right things in their business, and still they have little to no results. Can you relate?

Have you gone to networking meetings religiously, only to feel like you don’t fit in? And when you answer that question, your “what do you do statement,” you feel like wanting to sink below ground, because it just feels so fake?

You know there are so many people who could use your help but somehow, people just don’t get it. I get your frustration.

The worst thing is that you think that this is only happening to you. You think everyone else is successful. You think that there is something wrong with you.

Believe me, I have been there.

Now that I have figured out this “client attraction thing,” I can tell you there was nothing wrong with me.

There is nothing wrong with YOU either!!! (Please, please, please stop beating yourself up!)

Here are the real reasons why I was struggling to attract clients, and most likely why you are as well:

  1. My energy was off because I was beating myself up.
  2. My marketing message wasn’t clear
  3. I  was afraid of being visible and taking my space on the stage of the world

Let’s look at what you can shift right now to start turning this around and start attracting clients. In case you are wondering why I am so passionate about helping you, here is my why: I believe that it takes money to change the world – I actually don’t just believe that, I know that for a fact. I also know that a lot of the people who currently have a lot of money don’t really care about the environment, people in third world nations, children, and world peace, so that has to change. We as women (supported more and more by conscious men) are the caretakers of the earth and the next generation. Problem is, most of us haven’t figured the money thing out, and if we do, we very often end up in a very masculine environment that really feels more like modern slavery than anything else.

I believe that each woman has in her the power to create all the resources she desires. I also know from working in trauma healing (and from healing my own trauma) that most of us have been cut off from our original power as women through sexual and other traumas, and other “stuff” that has been passed on through the generations.

I want to help you because I believe in your power (and because I can’t save the world on my own.) (-:

So, back to the subject at hand. If you can figure out the client attraction piece, you are well on your way to mastering money, right?

Here are the things that you can get started with today:

1. Decide to not beat yourself up anymore (essentially, this is the decision to not perpetuate your own abuse.)

2. Get clear on your marketing message- (5 things need to be in place):

Get clear on what SPECIFIC problem you help people solve
Get clear on which group of people you like to help
Get clear on your offers
Get clear on your own value
And last but not least, get clear on what lights you up.

If you haven’t been able to decide on your “niche,’ or if you have decided, but it just doesn’t feel right, chances are there are some underlying emotional visibility issues. The emotional visibility stuff is the third reason why I wasn’t attracting clients for a long time. The number one thing that has helped me and all my clients over come those deep-seated patterns has been the family constellation work. In constellation work, we go to the root cause of the issue, whether that was your own trauma or an ancestral one. The beauty of that work is, no years and years of therapy is necessary, nor is reliving the painful past. It’s a very gentle and fast way to move on.

For now, you can work with your visibility issues by asking yourself these three powerful questions (journal about it):

1. What is the outcome I want to create?
2. Who am I afraid of leaving behind?
3. What is one action I can take right now to start moving into the direction of my goal?

So take out your calendar right now and schedule 1-2 hours this coming week (I know, it’s challenging.) Make going through these exercises a priority, and start seeing results in your business fast, and with ease!

P.S. If leaving your job (or any situation, for that matter, that doesn’t allow you to be the full-time independent, brilliant, conscious entrepreneur that you know you are meant to be) is your deep desire, and if you know it’s now or never, apply for 1 of 3 Business Clarity Breakthrough sessions next week! Apply Now.