To get clients, you must do ONE thing: you MUST be in CONVERSATION with your potential clients. You won’t get clients from hiding behind your computer. You might be thinking, “Ooh I don’t want to sell.” And you know, your clients don’t want to get hornswoggled into sales conversations either. As we were talking earlier, the strategy session conversation actually creates a LOT of value, while leading them to a point of decision about taking the next step with you.

The big mistake that a lot of practitioners and healers make is the “free sample session.” Giving away time for free. Giving away a lot of their GIFT for free. The strategy session is a session that YOU lead and control. This is a really important point. You’re not there just channeling free information for 30 minutes and then hope that someone will sign up. A strategy session isn’t designed to solve their problem – they couldn’t. They do, however, give a TON of value and help both you and your client decide if working together makes sense.

Now, here’s the really cool part. When packaged correctly, and offered correctly, your clients will actually RAISE THEIR HANDS to claim a strategy session with you.

By the way, you probably aren’t going to call it a strategy session. You’re going to give the session a client-enticing name, such as a “Find Your Soulmate Now” session or “Find 2 Extra Hours Every Day” session. I’ve offered “Business Clarity Breakthrough” sessions. See how this instantly conveys the VALUE of having the conversation with you?

I am not going to get into the ins and outs of designing your session right now, because I know it’s actually something you might already be familiar with, plus I have a lot more to share with you. But, I wanted to give you a few places where you can OFFER these sessions. The takeaway is, once you have your session, you now have a very client-attractive and feminine way to get people into conversation with you about working together. After that, it’s all about offering the session, and there are SOOOO many ways to do that.

In my Get High-Paying Clients Now! program, I include a checklist of 7 places you can offer strategy sessions. Let me give you a few to get started.

1. Your past clients – you can give them a “first dibs” offer. 

The best candidates are the people you have already helped or served – your past or current clients. After you create your unique system and your high-value program – which you can do in an afternoon, by the way; neither of these things has to take long – reach out to hand-selected past clients, inviting them to get in conversation about your new program. Or, make your strategy session offer to past clients. MY MENTOR LIKES TO call this “first dibs.” I love making first dibs offers. Then offer it to your entire database, if you have one.

2. On a teleseminar, either yours or someone else’s audience.

This is how I mainly build my business, both in the beginning and actually continue to this day. You don’t need 100 of people to make this work. In the beginning I had maybe 10, but out of the 10 I would always get one or two new clients. Speaking is that powerful. So, you can host your own call or you can speak for someone else’s list.

There is more that goes into this– some very specific things that you want to do so that you’re not giving away your precious time to people who have no intention of hiring you. But, that’s the basic strategy.

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below.

My Love to YOU!