People are very busy right now! It really feels like time is speeding up as everybody is trying to wrap up this year and get all their gifts & plans together for the holidays.

For me, this last month of the year is always about going inward, re-aligning and refining what I want to create in the year to come.

They say that the veils between our material world and the spirit world are the faintest between Christmas and January 6th. (In esoteric Christianity, those days are called the 12 holy days.) They are perfect days to receive inspiration and guidance.

To be maximally prepared to take advantage of those 12 days and nights, I invite you to start visioning your 2015 now, so that during the 12 holy days & nights, you can refine and get specific guidance.

(my recent visioning session)

Not just what your ego wants, but what your soul truly desires and deeply wants for 2015!

Creating a life that just feels “right,” and truly feels like the life that you know in your bones you are really meant to live!

It’s all about aligning yourself with your greatest potential, and not just aligning with it, but living it NOW!

We all have a tendency to think, “I’ll do what I truly want to do when …or if ….”

The truth is: your most soul-fulfilling life is available to you right now.

So, how come so few of us are really living a reality that feels joyous and amazing?
(I think it’s something like 2% of people are truly living the life they want to live.)

One of the problems I see often in our industry is that you look up to your mentors & see what their lifestyle looks like, and you think that your happiest life and success should look like…theirs. You chase a dream that is not even yours.

We all do it. In a way, the industry promotes this particular dream.

Here is the thing: as long as you are chasing someone else’s dream, things won’t manifest for you. In order for you to manifest your dream, you need to have your own authentic burning desire, as well as the belief that you can–and will–have the complete fulfillment of your true desire.

The first step in this 2015 creation process is to allow yourself to start “wanting to want”-what you truly want!

This means to dive deep into your soul and to find out what your core desire truly is.

And, it might not be what you expected.

My core desire is waaaayyyyyyy more impact!

Close your eyes right now and become still. Feel deeply into what your heart desires. Take a few deep breaths. Feel your belly. Feel your feet on the ground.

Get out of your head and into your womb. Place one hand on your heart and and one hand on your womb. Feel the warmth of your hands. Ask yourself, “What do I truly want? If this is the last year that I get to spend on earth, what do I want to experience? What do I want to be? What do I want to do?”

The answer is your core desire.

Once you get your core desire, stay in this space, this out-of-your-head-and-into-your-body meditative space, and go into the future. Now, it’s December 2015, and you are looking back on your year. You are filled with so much gratitude! What did you experience? What did you create? Who did you help? What has changed? Write it all down while looking back at your year, feeling as if it all already happened!

Capture those feelings, as those feelings will become your guidance system while you move forward!

At this stage, it is not important to know the “how.” What is really important is for you to truly allow yourself to want what you want. Whether you dream of becoming a bestselling author, a mom, the President of the United States, or a goat farmer in the Australian mountains. (-:

For this week, your homework is to get crystal clear on your vision!

In the coming weeks, I will share with you how to get to the “how.”

Have fun with this process!

And, as an extra-special bonus, you can also create your own ‘Pinterest Vision Board’ to represent your soul’s true desires in 2015!

Where is Carolin:

December 18th: Santa Barbara Meetup Plan for Success in 2015

December 30st: Albuquerque Conscious Entrepreneurs

January 2nd: Santa Fe Conscious Entrepreneurs

January 7th: Start of the Get Started Right Virtual Business Building Immersions: 21 days of expert advice, hosted by your truly (More to come very soon!)

January 7th:Santa Monica Conscious Entrepreneurs meetup

January 24th Speaking at East West Bookstore Mountain View

January 26th Speaking at Bay area Conscious Entrepreneurs

January 27th Speaking at Successful Thinkers Walnut Creek

January 28-30 Mastermind Retreat with Elizabeth Purvis in Portland, OR

May 15-17 Shakti Fest, Joshua Tree CA