Today I want to talk to you about boundaries. Why?

Because, as you will notice on your journey, you can only be a strong, feminine leader if you have strong boundaries. Or, in other words, a feminine leader has strong boundaries.

Chances are that if things aren’t where you want them to be in your life, it’s because you don’t have clear boundaries. If you are feeling drained and stuck and uninspired, it’s because you need boundaries that aren’t in place yet.

Your boundaries are where your power comes from. 

We, as women, have been programmed to be givers. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with giving. But, if we give from a place of “have to” or “need to,” then we build a prison for ourselves and squelch our creativity and power.

Chances are also that when you start to grow stronger in your leadership, people and situations will pop up around you that test you. It’s as if the universe is saying, “Are you really ready for the next level of success? Do you really mean it, or will you give in? Have you really grown into a protector of your own self and space, or can other people still run your show?”

Your boundaries will redefine over time. What was okay with you yesterday might not be today.

As you align with the high-vibrational woman (goddess!) that you are, your requirements of how people (your clients, joint venture partners, etc.) need to be around you will also shift.

As you shift these requirements, your life experience will reflect a world that you built (a.k.a. allowed) by means of the boundaries you set.

Today, I want to invite you to look at everything you have in your life and business right now. Ask yourself, “Does this feel the way I want it to feel?”

Let’s say that you just created a program and you have your first clients. Now is the time to pause and check in. How does it feel? Then, ask yourself these four questions:

  • What is–and has been–working?
  • What hasn’t–and isn’t–working?
  • What do I want to do differently?
  • What can I celebrate?

If you use this process on a regular basis, you will quickly align yourself with what you truly want. Be forewarned, this is a powerful tool. You’ll go through massive changes quickly toward creating a life that feels better and is better.

If you are noticing resistance to doing this process, really ask yourself if you are willing to allow yourself what you want to have.

Many of us have these amazing, beautiful dreams, but when it comes to actually taking action toward manifesting them, we stall. Not because we don’t know what to do (that part is easy to find out,) but because we are afraid that what we want will never come true.

If you are finding yourself stuck and uninspired, and you’d like help in digging out your dream and figuring out which boundaries you need to set so you can attract all the clients, speaking opportunities, and money you want, I encourage you to apply for one of four business clarity breakthrough sessions this week.

Apply Now

Happy Independence Day!

My Love to YOU!
