success conceptRead this article very carefully, because this might very well save you years of coaching and tons of money that you are not making right now, because you are stuck, hoping the universe will send you a sign and tell you what you are meant to be doing.

I totally get it. I was there for years. I call it the “multiple niche syndrome” or “split-niche-personality syndrome,” and it feels awful. You know you came here to fulfill a specific purpose, that you are a great healer or transformations facilitator, but people just don’t get what you do.

I want you to take this mindset on right now:

Building your business is as simple as you make it.

I believe that the planet will be saved by us conscious entrepreneurs. Why? Because we are the ones who care, and we are the ones who truly see what’s going on. We don’t close our eyes and stay asleep.

It takes money and other resources to affect change. Most of us haven’t quite yet learned how to generate massive amounts of money.

This is why I am on a mission to help you!

So, let me make it easy for you.

You’ll hear me say this over and over again. In order to make money, you need clarity on 5 things:

  • Clarity on who you are meant to serve
  • Clarity on what problem you help solve
  • Clarity on what you offer
  • Clarity on your own value, and
  • Clarity on what lights you up

Now, all these 5 things hinge upon you knowing your purpose, right? Or, in other words, the reason why you haven’t gotten clear by now is because you don’t want to get it wrong. You don’t want to fail your mission and purpose.

This is the part where I am saving you lots of money and time if you are willing to hear me!

There is no one particular service that is your purpose. Your purpose, and for that matter, all of our purposes, is to live the best-feeling life you can.

You get to decide what would be the most fun and good-feeling to you. Is it helping women with their health? Is it helping parents with their children? Is it speaking on stage and inspiring thousands? You get to choose!

One way to feel into this is to project yourself into the future and go down different paths. So, rather than create from where you are, you want to start creating from the future, from your most exciting version of yourself.

Then, once you’ve got that, you start embodying her today!

This is how I manifested a six-figure business, speaking opportunities, and a life that includes traveling with my honey to the most beautiful places in the world to work and play, all while still having plenty of time and energy to be with my kids and myself. On average, I don’t work more than 15 hours a week.

I have learned how to prioritize and only do the things that are crucial for me to get to where I want to go, and now I am teaching all of this in my Step Into Your Brilliance program.

If you are tired of working hard and not making any money, tired of seeing others pass you by, tired of knowing that it should be you making six-figures with ease, then I invite you to apply for one of four Business Clarity Breakthrough Sessions.

These sessions are designed to help you get clear on your vision, show you what’s in your way of making 5-6 figures. Plus, you’ll get juicy tips and strategies on how to attract clients and make money now. To take advantage of these $197 sessions for free, grab your spot here:

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