Our greatest need is the one for the familiar. So, even if the familiar is horrible, like struggling with money, not having clients, not knowing how to pay your bills, or knowing where the  money will come from next month, it is still more comfortable then hiring that high-end mentor, picking a niche and moving forward, or creating that package and start offering it.

We know we can survive the familiar. The unfamiliar we don’t know.

Quantum leaping is all about being ok with not knowing. Being able to hold your mind’s panic with love, knowing what it is telling you is not the truth. Your desire becomes your guiding post.

What desire have you been talking yourself out of lately?

Look around in your life and feel into all the things that aren’t working for you. Like really not working for you…yes, all the ones that you have turned into bearable compromises. etc. All of them have to go. Even if it means you have to have “the conversation“ with people.

Believe me, the amount of energy that gets drained by you compromising is immense. Remember, you do not need to know the how, you just need to feel your burning desire. You get to that place by feeling what’s really, really not working for you. Once you are clear on what that is, you are clear on what it is that would work for you. Contrast is amazing in that way. A really bad situation helps you really know what’s not working and helps you manifest the very thing you want, once you make the shift.

Once you are clear on what it is that you want instead, you the shift all your attention on gratitude. Blessing everything and even the bad situations because you understand that is there to help you clarify your true desire. While you bless the situation you are in, you hold your desire with conviction that you can indeed have what you want. At this point, you surrender and leave it up to the universe to deliver. You shift your vibration into a space of curious and joyous expectation…kinda like: “oohh I am wondering how the universe will help me make this happen.”

I want to leave you with this quote that a friend of mine posted on Facebook yesterday:




So this week, put your attention on what brings you more of what you want. If you are needing money, put your attention on creating sales. There is no problem that a few sales can’t solve.


Ask yourself:  who can I help today? 


On that note:

I am helping 5  location independent spiritual entrepreneurs create consistent 5-10k income in  their business this month. Could it be you?

Apply Now

What do you think is the difference between struggling and 5 or even 10k (a months, a week, or even a day?) Having a more responsive list? Having better circumstances? Being more visible?

Actually, it’s none of the above. Let me explain why.

If you are selling $2,500 packages, you need 2-4 clients a month to make 5-10 k per month. That’s not a lot of clients,do you agree? So what is the problem then?

Apply Now

This is EXACTLY how your business building shifts from hoping or begging to you be being in control, to one that allows you to create cash flow and have as much money as you need and when you need it

I’m inviting you to a FREE Attract & Sign all the high paying clients you want breakthrough session where we will discover EXACTLY why you’re NOT generating enough breakthrough sessions or why you generate ones that aren’t a fit , What blind spots are hiding behind the lack of results? Are you one of the 5 spiritual entrepreneurs who will create 5-10K months consistently in your business…this month, and beyond?

In your FREE Attract & Sign all the high paying clients you want breakthrough session, you will get crystal clear on:

  • EXACTLY why your discovery session invitation is NOT resulting in filling your schedule  with eager, “itching with excitement to talk to you” potential ideal clients
  • What blind spots in your marketing are hiding behind the lack of results

Click here to read more and claim your session: Apply Today!

You are probably thinking to yourself by now, “This sounds all well and good, but can you show me some results?” (I know I would ask for that at this point too!) So, here you go:

After years of struggling with not making money, I had  my “now our never” moment. (I left my marriage cold turkey with two small children and no financial support.) I came to mentoring from being a German-trained naturopathic doctor, humanistic psychotherapist, and family constellations facilitator. I help people make the leap by helping them clear all the emotional baggage that keeps them from claiming their true worth and from implementing a high end high touch business model.

My first “official month” after I had made the leap, I generated $7500 in new and booked business selling high end……without having my niche nailed or having a big email list

Before you can say “yes, but…” here are all the things that I didn’t have at the time:

  • Opportunity to promote myself offline – I had two small children and never any time to go network, etc. Plus, I was traveling and moving a lot, and my potential clients were and still are online in different states and continents.
  • Huge list in the coaching niche – I created my list with tele-classes while launching programs
  • Professional images or expensive website
  • A lot of time for anything
  • Money or savings in the bank to get me started
  • Getting everything perfect, or even testing whether things would work

I DID have a lot of family drama, (not so much anymore (-:) that I turned into an advantage in my marketing and business building.

Here is another example of what having your mindset, emotions and your marketing in the right place means:

  • Just a few weeks ago, I had an idea for a high end program, so I translated the idea into a sales page ….with limited seats.

I sold  this program with:

  • 1 Tele-class
  • 1 sales page with a couple of testimonials and  just plain old copy

So, if I may say so myself, you could say that I know a thing or two when it comes to high end selling particularly when it comes to marketing and selling from practice.

Click here to claim your Attract & Sign All the High Paying Clients You Want Breakthrough Session


There is a super special investment if you give me your permission to feature our work together as a success story for my upcoming launches in 2015 (and promote you and your business in the process.)