Attract and Sign All the Clients You Want

I am helping 5 spiritual entrepreneurs create consistent $5-$10K income in  their business this month. Could it be you?

Since you are reading this, I know that business is not just about making money for you, it’s about creating a lifestyle, making a difference, & leaving a legacy. You want to teach others, by example, that they can create their dream life of travel and financial freedom. You want to master manifesting money and clients on demand.

Chances are, you don’t feel like that’s what’s happening in your business.

What do you think is the difference between struggling and a $5,000 or even $10,000 business? (In a month, a week, or even a day?) Having a more responsive list? Having better circumstances? Being more visible?

Actually, it’s none of the above. Let me explain why. If you are selling $2,500 packages, you need 2-4 clients a month to make $5-$10 k per month.

That’s not a lot of clients, don’t you agree? So what is the problem then? If I send you 20 people for strategy sessions right now, would all of them sign up and become your clients?

Chances are, no. They wouldn’t.

Why? There are a couple of reasons. The first one is that most likely your marketing message isn’t dialed-in yet so a lot of the people you attract are not a perfect fit. This results in you giving away tons of your time, only to hear from people that they don’t have the money to sign up with you. Or, people not signing up for strategy sessions and you sitting at home hitting your head against the wall, begging the universe to send you the right people. The second reason is that you haven’t mastered high-end selling yet. Your own money story and lack of confidence get in the way.

In both cases, the reason why you are not making consistent income is youYour confidence and your clarity. (This is really good news because changing both of these things is totally within your power,)NOT having a clear marketing message and not being confident means that you are:

  • making money part of the month, and the rest of the month…nothing
  • Agonizing over where the next month’s paycheck is going to come from
  • Attracting the “I wish I could work with you,” “I don’t have the money,” and no-shows to your Breakthrough Sessions and transformational selling conversations
  • Completely lost on how or where to find your ideal clients
  • Feeling ashamed and bogged down by the number of people who respond to your breakthrough session offers on Facebook or in your newsletter
  • Feeling disillusioned after faithfully following every “should” on how to sell your services: picking your niche, creating your packages, working on your mindset, marketing with Facebook, marketing to your email list, running a telesummit, going to painful networking events, making outreach calls and referral connections…you name it! And in the end, you can’t even pay your bills.
  • Feeling hopeless about your situation, watching others pass you by and “live the life” with lots of freedom, travel, and flexibility, making YOU wonder, “what’s wrong with me??” Doubting that you have what it takes.
  • Feeling that your spouse is going to leave you if you don’t figure this out, or that no one will ever want to be with you unless you figure this out.
  • Secretly resenting your circumstances, money, and your life, leaving you feeling constrained and imprisoned, never able to do what you truly want to do.

Please know that it doesn’t have to be a struggle. And it doesn’t have to take months, or even years. The differences between your current marketing and sales strategy and a HOT, CONVERTING strategy is in one makeover. No biggie.

If you are one of the 5 coaches who will benefit from my offer, here is EXACTLY how you will benefit from my signature program, “Attract & Sign All the High-Paying Clients You Want This Month.” Makeover Packages:

Conversion Secret #1: Your “I Already Picked You As My Coach, Where Do I Sign?” Ideal Client

Do you think that you need to be like Gina DeVee, Elizabeth Purvis, Kendall Summerhawk, or me, to have lots of high-end clients? Let me share with you something that no one has ever told you before: People will sign up with you because of you. The great news is that you don’t need to be a sales superstar or a guru for people to want to work with you. You just have to be clear and confident on your value and in your offers. Ever heard of positing yourself as the expert in personal branding and niche marketing? Good. Now, please stay with me here for a minute. Forget about that whole “niche and expert” dilemma. The secret to doing this is….. …Magnetic Clarity. Magnetic Clarity equals confidence. It equals finding your ideal clients, and ultimately, it equals money in your bank account. There are FIVE elements that create Magnetic Clarity, and your “niche” is only part of it. Your niche is something you CHOOSE, but something that you are already authentically connected to. This is what you will experience by having all FIVE elements in place:

  • Merge with your ideal clients’ personalities so that you know how to say the right thing at the right time, making you a unique solution in your niche. (If you attract, “I like it, but I’m not buying it,” prospects, then this is for YOU!)
  • Read their minds so that you know what their burning problems are. This will help you relate what you do to outcomes that they want, and will convert as awesomely as all the gurus’ offers do!
  • Stop selling packages and start selling inspiration, excitement, and vision
  • Get crystal clear on who your clients are who will:
    • Get inspired by working with YOU, and inspire you back in return
    • Most likely take action and get results, just because they are working with YOU
    • Identify the magic ingredient that makes you YOU, and makes you uniquely and solely qualified to work with them

Conversion Secret #2: Your “VIP DAY” or “Quick 4-5 figure cash injection” offer

  • How to quickly structure your offer that organically leads into your bigger offers and pre-sells them FOR YOU!
    • Structure an offer that creates a value perception in your ideal client that’s at least 5 times more than your actual price tag
    • How to make full-payment a no-brainer
    • What to do to avoid any change of heart the next day

Conversion Secret #3: Your “Get 3-5 High-Paying Clients This Month” promotion strategy with both an immediate AND 90-day promotion plan You will learn to manage your fluctuating feeling about yourself, and focus your energy on creating ONE offer and selling it with ONE promotion at a time. (And, by the way, you get to build your list at the same time, too.) Depending on which exact package you choose, you will simplify your marketing with:

  • Strategy #1: Discovery Session invitation:
    • How to create invitations to your breakthrough sessions that stand out from others, do the pre-selling for you, AND keep your prospects itching with excitement. (If you suffer from “no shows,” you can’t afford to miss this)
    • Structure your breakthrough sessions in a way that establishes YOU as an expert
    • Promote your offer to the ideal clients already in your community (Yes, you have them! Even if you’re just starting out!)
  • Strategy #2: Selling with speaking

Speaking condenses the sales  process. In terms of building trust, you can do this in a few days. What will take you months, or even years to accomplish with one email alone. Speaking either online or offline is perfect for list building, AND selling at the same time.

  • How to choose a topic that fills your talks and pre-sells your offer, even if you don’t have a list
  • Create an opt-in page that converts better than the one created by a professional copywriter
  • Create an email sequence that turns cold subscribers into buyers
  • how to sell to a live audience
  • How NOT to kill your offer with storytelling
  • Flow seemingly into the slae without feeling “salesy” or out of your “normal”
  • Create the perception that a sales pitch is something they really, really want to hear

This is EXACTLY how your marketing shifts from hoping or begging to be chosen, to one that does the CHOOSING for YOU! I am sure you’ve noticed that I’m making it easy for your to succeed Also, it’s clear that the idea of consistently adding $5-$10K to your income is speaking to you since you’ve read this far. In your FREE Attract & Sign All the High-Paying Clients You Want Makeover Session, you will get crystal-clear on:

  • EXACTLY  why you’re NOT generating breakthrough session that are a fit
  • What blind spots are hiding behind the lack of results.

As I said in the beginning, I’m looking for 5 coaches who are committed to creating $5-$10K consistently in their businesses, this month and beyond. Here is what i want you to do next:

  1. Click below, complete the application, click submit…and that’s it!
  2. You will receive an email with a link for scheduling your session. Reply RIGHT AWAY and schedule your session!

Click Here to Claim Your Makeover Session

You are probably thinking to yourself by now, “This all sounds well and good, but can you show me some results?” (I know I would ask for that at this point too, so here you go!)

After many years of struggling and not making money, I have what I like to call my “now or never” moment. I left my marriage cold-turkey with two small children and no financial support. I came to coaching from being a German-trained naturopathic doctor, humanistic psychotherapist, and family constellations facilitator. I help people make the leap by helping them clear all the emotional baggage that keeps them from claiming their worth and from implementing a high-end touch business model. My first “official month” after I had made the leap, I generated $7,500 in new and booked business by selling high-end, without having my niche nailed down or having a large email list.

Now, before you can say, “Yes, but…” here are all the things that I DIDN’T have at the time:

  • Opportunity to promote myself offline–I had two small children and never had any time to go network, etc., plus I was traveling and moving a lot, and my potential clients were (and still are) online and located in different states and on different continents
  • A huge list in the coaching niche–I created my list with teleclasses while launching programs
  • Professional images or an expensive website
  • A lot of time for anything
  • Time to get everything perfect, or even testing whether or not things would work

What I DID have, though…

  • A German accent (not as thick now, but still there) that I turned into an advantage in my marketing.

Here is another example of what having your magnetic clarity & marketing in place means: when I first started out, I had an idea for a program. I translated the idea into a sales page. I sold this program with:

  • 1 teleclass
  • 1 sales page with a few testimonials and a few images, just plain old copy

So, if I may say so myself, I know a thing or two when it comes to marketing and selling high-end packages, particularly when it comes to marketing from practice.

P.S. There is a super special investment at the end if you give me your permission to feature our work together as a case study for my upcoming mastermind in 2015. (And, I’ll promote you and your business in the process!)

P.P.S. We will get along exceptionally well if you are:

  • Ideally, but not exclusively, a coach or healing practitioner. My ways of working are an education on their own, especially if you feel the urge to be a step ahead of your peers.
  • A visionary leader, with a very purpose-oriented personality
  • Done over-giving and under-earning
  • 100% committed to doing what it takes

Click here to claim your Attract & Sign All the High-Paying Clients You Want Makeover Session. If you are one of those folks who love to immediately scroll down to the bottom of the page (like me,) I’m inviting you to a FREE Makeover Session where we will discover EXACTLY what is keeping you from filling your schedule with a Facebook post, and you’ll discover if you are one of five (5) coaches who will create $5-$10K consistently in your business…this month, and beyond!
Click here to claim your Attract & Sign All the High-Paying Clients You Want Makeover Session