Happy Friday!

I have had a wonderful time unplugging from it all (my first time on vacation without kids in 9 years!) and I am back and ready with lots of inspiration and new ideas.

How about you? How is the summer treating you? Did you take time to relax and rejuvenate, or are you going to?

Today’s article was inspired by me really digging into what my mission is, and recommitting to stepping more and more into my own brilliance, and helping you to do the same


My Love to YOU!


Have You Stepped Into Your Brilliance Yet? 

I have been noticing a theme lately. As you know, I get to talk to many inspiring, incredibly talented, and gifted women entrepreneurs every week. The theme that I have been noticing is that of women giving up on their dreams. 

They have tried everything they can think of to get their businesses off the ground, and still, nothing is happening. They dream of being published authors, filmmakers, agents of change, and yet, their everyday life is far from reflecting the fulfillment and feeling that comes from fully living, breathing, and sharing your divinely inspired mission.

Now, the secret that I have discovered that has helped me, and is still helping both me and my clients to create the lives and businesses we all want, is to follow the path of joy.

Now, I know from working with hundreds of women over the last 10 years, that is easier said than done.

You might be in a place right now where you don’t even know what it is that you want. You might not be in a place where you have access to the vision of your life that would totally inspire you and light you up.

The reason I know this is because I have been there, many of my clients have been there, and I still go through phases where things aren’t clear. The journey to clarity will never end. The difference between where you are and where I am is that I know this is part of the creative process. First, there is darkness, the yucky, “stuck” feeling. Then, there is surrender. You give up control and realize that this is a natural process, that you are in it, and that there is movement. With surrender comes an opening, and in that opening, new impulses and ideas are born. 

Now, the problem is that most women stop here. Why? Because we are conditioned to survive. The human race has had much more experience in surviving than in thriving.

Since you have survived so far, your “old” brain goes, “Well, we survived it, so why change it?”

It’s important to be aware of this dynamic going on. Inevitably, once you start moving into the direction of manifesting your new impulses and ideas, lots of obstacles and resistance will pop up.

The only remedy that I have found is to have a strong commitment to creating a life filled with ease and flow.

Your actions will ultimately be the thing that will manifest your impulses and ideas.

Most women I talk to are frustrated because they find themselves not doing what they said they wanted to do. I know that what they are experiencing is the resistance from the “old” brain/nervous system and that “survival” programming.

Remember, the only thing that ever holds you back from creating what you want to create is fear. Fears are your old pre-programmed beliefs, your “old” nervous system’s way of keeping you safe and in survival. Now, the problem is that when you are stuck in survival, you don’t have the luxury, nor the capacity, nor the resources to fully step into your brilliance and give your gifts to the world. Deep in your heart, you know that the world needs you. 

When will you follow the call? Are you one of the women who is about to give up on her dreams? 

I am urging you NOT to….because the world truly needs you. We need you!!

As you know, I have made it my mission to be the woman behind women.

I have made it my mission to help evolutionary leaders to remember why they came. And, not “just” remember, but figure out a way to make their dreams happen. Meaning, I am here to help you make your dream of making money doing what you came here to do, not “just make money.” I know the money is secondary to you, you want to make the impact you came here to make. The money is there to support you in doing your powerful work.

If you have been reading my articles and newsletters, and you have been wanting to work with me, now might be the time.

Let’s face it. We are not getting any younger, and time is going fast. How many years have you been wanting to do this? Let’s talk, and figure out how we can make your dreams a reality.

Apply for a business clarity session here:

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