My (very personal) journey of allowing myself to hear my heart and go for it.

 If you have been following me for a while, then you know that about 3 months ago I had a rude awakening (if you haven’t been following me and you are new to me, here is what happened: I had been married for the past 7 1/2 years and had been trying really, really hard to be happy and make the relationship work, we are very good parents together and we do have two beautiful children, but things just wouldn’t shift.)
On said day, I had one of those days were I just felt completely left alone and tired of struggling with my husband, when a coach friend invited me to do for myself what I tell my clients to do. She invited me to get clear on what I wanted, rather than to stay focused on all that I didn’t want. And so I did. I wrote it all down. My dream relationship. Later that day I shared my “vision” with my husband, he looked at me and said: “Well Carolin, this will never be me.” In that moment I had to make a choice, I had to either go for what my heart truly desired or give up on my dream.
We can’t expect to have different results when we keep doing the same things.
I did decide to go for my dream, this time for real.
My dream at 35 is to find my soulmate, get a proposal, have a white wedding, and have a relationship in which we both are so happy, supportive, and grateful to be with each other.
(I never had those things, and to be honest I had given up on them, but desire is desire,  and the moment you allow yourself to go to where your heart wants to take you, the desire will crack you open with all it’s might, it will scream at  you in the face so loud that you will no longer be able to ignore it, it will consume you, it will enchant you, it will not leave your mind or soul.)
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because through this process and journey I have learned that unless we are obsessed and totally on fire, things tend to take a very long time to manifest.
The fire in your belly is what creates. The fire in my belly makes me wake up seeing my beloved next to me in the morning smiling at me and caressing my hair. iIt makes me want to deal with all the paperwork and “stuff” that comes with getting divorced.
It makes me be the best mom because I know my beloved needs me to be, I sing and dance and be with my children like never before. It makes me want to stretch my capacity for love and peace and compassion when my husband is angry with me.
It makes me turn on the music and paint naked to call in the energy of a deeply fulfilling, intimate, heart-to heart, connected love relationship. It makes me look at my fears…and believe me, they are there around every corner….
The fire in my belly helps me burn through all the crap that is not real about me, love, and the world.
This is what I know for sure: God wants each of us to be happy, God wants you to have what you want.
What I also know is that we don’t feel like we deserve, we don’t feel like we can, or should have, we feel like it’s not right to be happy when others are not.
So the question becomes: how much good can you handle, how much can YOU allow yourself to have it all?
Today, I am inviting you to scan your life for all the place where you do things that you don’t want to do. If you don’t have a clear yes for something, it’s a “NO!”
Let your boundaries be the container to what you are wanting to create.
Print this out and make it your mantra (I promise it  creates miracles):
“When I only chose to do, be or have things that feel good to me 100% of the time, clients, money, love, & everything I desire will follow.”

 “Dance like no one is watching, Love like you’ll never

be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like it’s

heaven on earth. “

   -William Purkey

My Love to YOU!!
PS: I will give you an update when my beloved has arrived…It will not be long…we might even have already met (-:
10/9/2014 Here is the promised update: The nuggets shared in this article are as relevant as they were a year ago..and yes, I did meet my soulmate, and yes he has proposed to this stuff works! Not only in your love life, but in business, too. Since then, I have created $15k months in new and booked business, spoken on several stages in front of hundreds of people (and more,) and gotten to do quite a bit of travel.
If you’d like to get my help in getting your business to the level you desire, apply for a Business Clarity Breakthrough Session with me