In business, visibility is key. Without it, you struggle. You don’t have clients, and when you don’t have clients, not only do you make no money, but you also fail to give your gifts. That feels so frustrating. I know, I have been there.

If you are finding yourself in a place where you know what things you need to do in order to attract clients, but you don’t seem to get yourself to do them, if you are feeling so frustrated about building your business that you are almost ready to quit altogether, this article might be of great help to you. There is a solution for every problem, especially this one!

I want to share a story with you today. This is the story of one of my amazing and talented clients. Let’s just call her “Lisa” (for her own privacy’s sake.)

Lisa had been coaching with me for a little while. She did all the right things: got clear on her marketing message, got clear on what she offered, got clear on what really lights her up, got clear on her value, and got clear on her ideal clients. But, when it came to actually letting the world know that she and her services existed, she couldn’t pick up the phone or reach out in other ways to connect with potential clients.

Now, Lisa is a young, single mother, so granted, from the outside it looked as if any time she picked up the phone, somehow her daughter needed her in that moment.

Luckily for her, she recognized that she was somehow co-creating this dynamic that allowed her to hide.

If you have been following me for a while, you know that one of my “magic” tools is the Family Constellation Process. I use this tool whenever everything else doesn’t work, whenever there is a “block.”

In this situation with Lisa, it was very clear to her and I that there was something else at work, something beyond her conscious willpower. 

During the Constellation Process, I tap into different energies to make visible that which is unseen in my clients’ “soul field.”

It is a very investigative and organic process. Since neither Lisa nor I had any idea what was really going on, we started out in the abstract, tapping into her energy and that part of her which was hiding.

As soon as I tapped into her energy, I got very nausous and almost wanted to throw up. It was as if I was looking at a whole bunch of dead bodies, and I was so disgusted. When  I checked in with Lisa about what this could be, she shared with me that 9 of her great-uncles and aunts had died in World War II, and only her grandmother and her grandmother’s sister had survived.

What this trauma created in Lisa’s soul was a disgust for life. On a soul level, she didn’t understand how people could do these things, and she had made the decision not to give her gifts here on earth because earth seemed like a place void of sense. Rather, she wanted to go back to where she had come from.

I just want to take a quick pause here and ask you how many times you have felt like you just wanted to “go back to where you came from.”

Can you see how a decision like that, or a feeling like this in your soul will not allow you to give your gifts? 

The beauty of family constellations is that once these invisible energies are made visible, they lose their power!

Lisa was able to realize how many lives it took for her to be here. That was a huge healing! With that, she was able to shift into an amazing gratitude for the life she has been given, an amazing humbleness to the ones who lost their lives, and wanting to give her gifts.


The reason I am sharing this story with you is because I want you to know that if you are feeling stuck in building your business, specifically because you feel like there is a visibility issue, you are most likely carrying something from your ancestors and your family lin

eage that doesn’t allow you to step out and shine. 
I have seen it so many times with my clients that this is the missing link to their success.

Many of my clients have done tons of work on themselves. They have marketing training and business training up the wazoo, and still no breakthroughs.

And, not just for my own clients, but in my own life as well.

Doing this work, in combination with using the feminine principles I teach in my Step Into Your Brilliance Program, are single-handedly what have helped me create 6K, 7K, and now 10K a month within my first year in business.

If you’d like to talk to me about your visibility issue to find out if you have one and how it is holding you back, apply for a Business Clarity Breakthrough session with me at no cost (a $197 value.)

Apply Now!

If you know you’d like to have more support, go directly to

Step Into Your Brilliance

I have been where you are, and not too long ago, so I know that what you want is possible, and that it is closer than you think it is! Everything you want is already here in energetic form, it’s just for you to become an energetic match. As soon as you align, what you desire will manifest itself. This work helps you clear your energy and become aligned.

It works super fast and isn’t painful at all! On the contrary, you will feel a huge sense of relief. 

I am rooting for you over here!!

I believe that we, as women, will change this world around, but we need resources. It is crucial for you to learn how to make tons of money so that together, we can spend it on making the world a more beautiful place. How fun will that be?!

My love to YOU!!


Carolin-Hauser.P.S. TONIGHT I am speaking at Paradise Found in Santa Barbara. I would LOVE for you to join us for the presentation. It’s just for an hour, and it will totally rock your world! You can’t miss Paradise Found. It’s an amazing space.

Paradise Found