Last week, there was no article, so this week’s newsletter is all article…funny how the universe works sometimes. 🙂 

Three Commitments That Will Help You Attract All The
Clients and Money You Want
I am back at home, feeling full and rejuvenated from having been around 4,000 loving and kind people, all chanting and doing yoga, for 4 days straight. 

My honey and I got to talking yesterday about how wonderful it is to be around positive, no-drama people for an extended period of time. This conversation, plus another one that I had with a dear friend of mine, made me wonder how I can bring these qualities more into my everyday life. My friend had asked me point-blank: how can you bring Bhakti home with you?

Like you, one of the things that makes me happiest is to connect with people and be part of a greater community.

This week, I renewed to myself my commitment to community-building. I teach my clients that the way they can create what they want and desire in life is by making commitments to themselves.

Yesterday, I got to fulfill that commitment by being very visible in my local community and speaking at Cottage Hospital in front of almost 100 medical professionals on “A Different View on Trauma.” It was amazing to have some people, who are normally on the opposite end of where I am philosophically (in regards to the medical system) stay for 20 minutes of Q&A.

I am sharing this with you  because speaking your truth not only feels good, but finds resonance and helps many people.

One of the invitations I made to the audience was to shift their perception of their clients–and themselves–out of victimhood and into one of power. The way to do this is to see trauma as a gift. The gift being that everyone who has experienced trauma has the opportunity to deepen their relationship to their self. At the end of the day, this is what really matters, and it is actually directly related to how successful you will be (not just in business, but in all areas of your life.)

Today, I wanted to share three commitments that have helped my clients (and me!) move into the direction of their dreams of being their own boss and living life on their own terms as successful entrepreneurs–fast!

So, if you are feeling stuck at the moment because you don’t have the time or energy to put into your business to attract clients, or because you feel you have tried everything and still, clients are nowhere in sight, make these commitments today and see your situation transform.

And please, whatever you do, do not think that you are cursed, or that there is something wrong with you, because you are not cursed and there is nothing wrong with you. 

So, here are the three magical key commitments (and I say magical because when you make them and keep them, your life starts unfolding with ease and grace.)

The first commitment is to being loving with yourself, no matter what!

The second commitment is to becoming a student and master of your own energy.

And the third one is to embrace every moment for what it is.

You might be asking what these three commitments have to do with business-building. Let me explain.

Spiritual law states that there is a limitless supply. A limitless supply of clients, speaking opportunities, money, time, and whatever else you desire.

What separates you from experiencing this as truth is your very own perception. You experience yourself as separate from your clients and the things you want. The number one thing that creates the feeling of separation in us is the way we are with ourselves. Our negative self-talk. To the contrary, the one thing that makes us feel connected is positive self-talk. So, when we love ourselves unconditionally, our perception shifts from feeling disconnected to feeling connected with others. When we feel connected, we feel open, and when we feel open, we are open and we can receive. Miracles are, in reality, always a shift in our own perceptions. A shift out of fear and into love. This is very powerful stuff.

On a practical level, any time you are feeling negative energy, or you are getting upset or afraid, instead of fighting that part of yourself, love it! That’s it.

The second commitment ties right into the first. Being successful in business does have to do with certain actions that you take. But, if your energy is off, you can take action all you want with no results. When you are in a good-feeling place, often one very specific, very simple act can produce huge results. This is about knowing when to stop and tend to your energy, by doing something fun, taking on some self-care or creative expression, and when to take action on an inspiration. It’s about being connected to your intuition and above all, trusting yourself.

The last commitment has to do with, again, moving out of resistance, which is an energetic block to everything that you want, and into openness.

If you have been working with a business coach and are not getting results, it’s most likely because you don’t know about these commitments. Once you have these commitments in place and have guidance around what specific actions to take to attract clients, create consistent cash flow, and a money breakthrough, nothing can stop you.

For people like us, intuitive, sensitive, big-hearted healers, it is super important that we have a mentor who understands the spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges that come with business-building. For you, it is not enough to just be told what to do. For you, it is important that you find someone who can also help you with the energetic and emotional challenges that come with being an entrepreneur. You need to have an environment where it is safe to be you, with all your fears and dreams.

It can be just as detrimental to have someone poop on your dream as it can be to end up in an environment that makes you feel wrong for having feelings.

If you are in a place where you know you want to launch your business, but haven’t found a coach or a way that feels authentic to you, I invite you to consider working with me.

I know it is easy to think that you can do it on your own, but let me tell you that part of loving yourself is also about giving yourself the support you need. Yes, you can do it on your own, but it will take longer and it will be much  more challenging.

Just imagine someone having your back! AND guiding you towards what you want! Doesn’t that feel good?

If you’d like to explore working with me, apply for a business breakthrough session with me. During this session, we will look at your vision and what is holding you back. I’ll also give you a couple of power tips and/or strategies on your exact next steps so that you can attract clients and money–fast.

Apply here

All my love to you!
