How is this summer treating you?
Are you as surprised and shocked as I am at how fast it is going by?

Did you set out in June with lofty goals of having more time and really allowing yourself to enjoy this time of year, only to find yourself now–almost at the end of summer-frustrated because you didn’t even do half of the things you wanted to do?!

Do you blame your soul-sucking job for robbing you of all the pleasure of life, including zapping your precious energy?

Well, I have good news for you! It’s not too late to still make good on your commitments and create some fun experiences for yourself while it’s still hot and summery outside.

The way to do this is to schedule your fun activities.

In my Step Into Your Brilliance program, I teach women that making fun and pleasure a priority is a success strategy. Here is why:

Working with clients takes energy. It takes a different kind of energy than working for someone else at a JOB.

It takes high-level energy.

Guess what?! Fun, pleasure, and good feelings are also high-level energy!

So, the more you can allow yourself to have pleasure (of all sorts) and fun in your life, the more you are expanding your capacity to attract great clients and provide a container for their transformation.

It’s not easy to make that shift, especially if you have been stuck in a corporate job, working for someone else, and left with very little time and other freedoms. But, it is possible.

And it’s possible much sooner than you think it is. 

I am in the process of rolling out a new training called How to Leave Your Soul-Sucking Job in 90 Days (or less!) by creating a feminine, transformational business that lets you work wherever and whenever you want.

This training will happen on Thursday, August 21st, so mark your calendar! More info to come soon.

If you don’t want to wait that long, I have cleared my calendar for 3 women who are ready to make the leap, invest in themselves, and make their dream of a freedom-based lifestyle a reality.

If this is you, then sign up for a conversation with me here.

Apply Now

I am looking forward to hearing from you and connecting with you if you are a woman who is ready stop talking and start transitioning into a mega-manifesting mode. You can have what you want!!!

My love to YOU!
