This was the kick-off call in the “Moving into Wholeness” Call Series that is happening the first Wednesday of every month at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time.

In this series I interview people who have been sexually abused as children and have found a way to heal themselves.

This first call was with my dear friend Lisa Star (9/5/2012); we had a very enlightening conversation asking questions and sharing insights in the world of sexual abuse healing that no one dares to speak about. One of the experiences we both have in common and that can be seen as very controversial, is the feeling of connectedness with and support of our abusers now that they have moved on to the spirit world. Listen to the call, give us your feedback, and tell us if you have similar experiences!! It’s all about bringing light into the darkness and breaking the taboo.

Lisa Star is a clairvoyant and writer living in Santa Barbara, California. She was ‘raised in the faith’ of Jose Arguelles’ Dreamspell interpretation of the Mayan calendar, and has devotedly studied and taught its cycles for 13 years. She recently published Natural Time: A Guidebook to the Mayan Calendars, and the Natural Time Altar Cards, revealing her passion for and knowledge of the calendars’ mystical teachings.

Her classes and readings reflect the depth of her study in many mysticisms and her own continued process in healing. She includes in her teaching a range of experiences with yoga, the Tarot, Jungian psychology, Family Constellation therapy, emotional bodywork, Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy, Native American spirituality, parenting, travel to the Mayan territories, and reverence to art, imagination and nature.

2. Call (from 10/3/2012): “5 Keys to Sexual Wholeness” with author and workshop facilitator Amrita Grace

Here is what clients and colleagues say about Amrita:

“Amrita Grace is the embodiment of a high priestess filled with integrity, passion, and love for the ways of the feminine. She is a teacher and healer for both men and women as to the sacredness of what might still be held as mundane. Amrita is a many-faceted and precious gem who serves the needs of humanity with her abundant resources and grasp of higher states of consciousness through love-in-action. I could not deliver the work of divine Mother without women like Amrita who know the meaning of balanced awareness and service. Amrita, you will be offer the Nurturing Practice of AH (Awakening, & Healing) with many who need your clear understanding of how to share touch and love with playfulness and skill. Thank you for your dedication to the One”.

Caroline Muir, Founder of the Divine Feminine Institute

“My experience of the Deepening the Sisterhood workshop was fabulous. Amrita creates a beautiful sacred space that allows us to explore, release past hurts, and tap into our divine feminine selves. I also experienced a personal session with Amrita that helped me to break through past traumas related to my sexuality to experience a new freedom. Amrita is highly trained, professional, and compassionate. I highly recommend her workshops and her personal sessions, they can be life transforming”!

Workshop participant Joan Cameron

Amrita Grace is an emerging leader in the field of women’s sexual wholeness and empowerment. Having made the successful journey from childhood sexual abuse to sexual wholeness herself, she is a beautiful, healthy, living example of what is possible. She offers powerful tools for attracting amazing relationships, living a life of harmony and joy, and transforming sexual wounding into powerful life purpose. She’s the author of Reclaiming Aphrodite-The Journey to Sexual Wholeness,