Looking to have a breakthrough in your life or career?

This article is specifically geared towards women that have experienced childhood sexual abuse, and who are on a “big mission” to create their dream life. My name is Carolin Hauser and I am the author of Blossom-Your Seven Step Journey to Healing Childhood Sexual...

What is Family Constellation Therapy?

Family Constellation therapy or better said Family Constellation work (as it is properly named) is a therapeutic process that was developed in the second half of the 20st century, by a man named Bert Hellinger. Today Hellinger is known as the father of...

Moving Into Wholeness Calls

This was the kick-off call in the “Moving into Wholeness” Call Series that is happening the first Wednesday of every month at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time. In this series I interview people who have been sexually abused as children and have found a way to heal...


Help me publish my upcoming book: “Blossom- Your Seven Step Journey to Healing Childhood Sexual Absue” Contribute Today!