Reconnect Your Relationship and Create an Intimate Relationship that Fulfills Your Body, Soul, and Spirit Every Day ..for the Rest of Your Life!
Does Any of This Sound Familiar?
Sex has gone out the window. And you feel like roommates.
Both of you have lost trust.
You both love each other and you want to rekindle intimacy.
As the woman relaxing and receiving feels challenging for you. You feel anxious and because of past sexual trauma, you generally don’t feel safe.
If you are the man, you are feeling frustrated because you don’t know how to get your needs met and you don’t want to get rejected anymore.
….I felt very frustrated and
disconnected in my marriage…
The doctors around me told me:” Just go to therapy or just get on anti-depressants.” And my friends: “We don’t have sex anymore either..that’s just how it goes.”
There was only one problem…I was 34 years old…and not ready to have NO physical intimacy for the rest of my life.
I had had lots of issues around intimacy, I’d mostly only be able to relax when I was drunk or high because of having experienced sexual trauma as a child and a young teenager several times.
I never really felt good in my body, safe around men, or like I was enough. Being in an affectionless marriage almost felt like the punishment I deserved for how flawed I was.
It took me hitting rock bottom for me to start doing things differently.
Then my body gave in. God spoke to me and said: “Carolin your work isn’t done…I challenge you to go out in the pursuit of true pleasure and see how your life will rapidly change when you do that. Then go teach that to the world…”
And so I did. I figured it out. After all, I had spent my entire 20ties learning and practicing energy work, immersed in personal growth work….and helping people heal their lives…why couldn’t I do it for myself too?
Out of me hitting rock bottom, I came up with a completely NEW way to look at relationships and intimacy. I had never heard anyone talk about this way before (and to this day, have not seen anyone else teaching concepts like these).
4 weeks after my near-death experience, my body started to recover.
Zero hormone replacement, no talk therapy, and no awkward sex toys, lingerie, or explorations.
Zero hormone replacement, no talk therapy, and no awkward sex toys, lingerie, or explorations.
I haven’t just helped myself… I have helped hundreds of women and couples go from feeling frustrated, stuck, and disconnected in their sex lives to feeling deeply connected, excited, and fulfilled so that they can feel whole and fully expressed in their life and enjoy the everyday bliss of a deeply connected sacred union.
I believe that having a fulfilling sex life is the icing on the cake to this human experience. It’s PARADISE and I am living proof that we can actually have it now.
Right now, you believe that it’s normal for sexual desire to go away.
I’m here to tell you: That’s not true!
It’s a lie that we all have bought into and the biggest bottleneck keeping you from having the relationship you want.
There is a way to reconnect your relationship, without having to try things in the bedroom that make you feel utterly awkward and without processing and rehashing all the hurts of the past.
It is an empowering experience…meaning it’s actually an amazing experience for both, you and your partner.
The process itself is simple, fun, and fulfilling to implement once you learn it.
Imagine what it will feel like when…
Turning your marriage around together without spending years and years in grueling couples therapy and without rehashing and endless processing of the past.
What would it mean to both of you to have an amazing sex life?
Imagine feeling amazing about yourself and your body, having your body actually feel juicily relaxed… being able to surrender, and know how to connect intimately without it being awkward!
Imagine having heaven on earth… because you and your man know how to make each other happy not just partially but in the bedroom too!

Combines energy work and neuroscience to shift into new paradigms of relating without years of grueling therapy or awkward sex exercises.

Combines energy work and neuroscience to shift into new paradigms of relating without years of grueling therapy or awkward sex exercises.

Here is What We’ll Be Doing Together in The Blissful Marriage Method Program:
Remove the blocks to intimacy (and get you off the emotional roller coaster if that’s what’s happening for you.)
Give you tools to make it easy to reconnect in bed in a way that feels authentic and good.
Release past hurts and resentments in a quick and easy way.
Teach you how to be in your power and feel radiant and alive.
Release past traumas gently and with lasting effect (no need to be scared of this..we do most of the work for you..think of it as microsurgery with a tiny cut and pretty much no recovery time.)
Go over feminine and masculine energy practices which are the basis for never fighting again and knowing how to create lasting bliss.
Learn how to truly understand each other.
Help your hormone and nervous system get in balance so that you can feel feminine and relaxed.
And much more…
The Blissful Marriage Method is the most cutting edge way to create a blissful relationship that fulfills your body, soul, and spirit everyday for the rest of your life.
What’s Included in the Program

Access to the 6-Month Blissful Marriage Method Program & Curriculum
This program is very intentionally designed to be a 6-month container, as it will allow us to help you transform your marriage and create an intimacy that fulfills your body, soul, and spirit every day…for the rest of your life. This gives us time to work through the emotional and physical blocks and traumas in a gentle non-threatening way that has lasting results.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Carolin.
Each week we will have in depths coaching calls together where we go over implementation steps, practices, and any challenges you guys might face.

“Done-On-You” Energy Work.
Each of you will receive 4 one-on-one subconscious reprogramming “done-on-you” energy work sessions. These sessions are a big part of our clients’ lasting success. And are what sets us apart from anyone else in the coaching industry. They are the secret sauce behind helping you to create lasting change.

Private Client – Only FB Group
Connect with the other like-minded couples in this exclusive program, surround yourself with positive, change-oriented people, ask questions, and get support in our private group. You’ll meet awesome friends, and even get invaluable support and feedback from peers.
book your free bring connection back session
How it Works
Phase One
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
No one said it better than Einstein.
In order for your intimate relationship to be different, something has to shift and transform. To be specific, you both will have to change. Even and especially if you’ve already tried a bunch of therapy or other things like going to tantra workshop or swing clubs and it didn’t work …shifting energetically is what you really need.
We will make sure that the underlying things that didn’t get addressed will get addressed so that you and your relationship can flourish like a beautiful butterfly.
Phase Two
Implement what you are learning in your everyday life. Change requires doing things differently. And even if you’ve tried to do things differently, like setting yourself resolutions and making promises, we will work with your subconscious mind to program you for success so that you can actually do the things you say you want to be and be the loving kind and fun person you say you are.
Phase Three
Knowing how to sustainable, day in and day out, being able to create peace and harmony and a love relationship that flows is an artform and cause to celebrate when you get the hang of it. So even if you think your relationship is pretty good and you’ve had some glimpses into bliss, there is always more to learn.
Read our Client’s Success Stories

“We finally feel the depth of Connection”
Our energy feels so different. Way more relaxed and centered and calm.
When I first started I knew that our marriage was way off..and now our marriage feels safe and solid, my nervous system feels a lot more calmer and open.
Figuring out our relationship to our own inner divine feminine and masculine has been super powerful..in my book, this course has been a ten.
It’s like we have an underground river that nourishes us…that no matter what the circumstances are, we now know how to tap into, any time and feel that deep connection.
I want to say if you do this I guarantee you will have a shift..this is not like anything you’ve done..not like reading some self help book or doing talk therapy because it’s actually working with your energy and subconscious and Carolin and her team are helping you release things that you would normally not see…this busts through so many myths…my brain started connecting the dots and it was so refreshing to get deprogrammed.
You are going to learn a lot of things that will revolutionize the way you look at intimacy!
There is a way that’s not in the main stream that’s not talked about….this really brings the divine feminine and masculine out and together.
Carolin and Team, Thank you guys so much!
Tania & Carl

“We are feeling much more Grateful for each other”
We have both been turning towards each other more often than before and I feel I have been a lot more patient, I enjoyed learning about the masculine and feminine energy, how it affects our communication and interaction with one another.
It makes you pause and realize how your actions in a tense moment can cause the other person to disengage. I’ve shared it with my co-workers and we’ve both shared it with our children. Learning to sit back in my female energy feels like a gift Carolin has given me and one both women and men can use to deescalate a situation. We are a lot more in tune and grateful for one another and our relationship, Carolin.
You have so much knowledge around the feminine and masculine and you are a truly gifted and well-practiced intuitive healer. We had a little bit of a different challenge than the other couples in the course…since we don’t live together and share our family life together.
We already have a lot of freedom and a great lifestyle yet the pieces that applied to us were immensely helpful.
Learning about bonding-based lovemaking helped us take the pressure off of our sex life and turn it into a harmonious feeling of connection.
Your guidance is incredibly helpful especially around what to do with the family dynamic and the kids.
It’s nice to have an impartial resource that I can go to outside of my friends and I would look to you when considering big life decisions. We feel more connected as a couple, with a sense of awareness around our own triggers and why we cherish each other.
You are like having a secret weapon. It’s like cutting through 30 years of therapy because getting right to the cause and it’s immediately helpful.
They both agree: We are feeling a sense of gratitude for each other and working together has been a total blessing!
Trish & Brian

“So much has changed in such a short time”
I got a lot out of the whole program, the energy work was awesome! When we initially signed up I really had no clue what that was going to be and it turned out to be so helpful…
Even my mom noticed that my energy was different. I had had an experience with energy work before, around clearing trauma with my dad that made me totally non reactive to my dad. And so in this course the energy work has made it so that we are way less reactive to each other.
We are mentally so much better. We actually are good. We feel relaxed around each other. I felt like we were always just irritated by and with each other and now that’s gone. I always felt criticized, it felt like I wasn’t doing anything right.
We have a lot more light heartedness and it doesn’t feel as stressed and strained as before. He has definitely been more of his happy silly self that had been shut down. Having a community of like minded couples was really helpful too.
There was so much more to it than we expect especially with the one on one energy sessions it completely exceed our expectations….it was definitely worth more than the investment…we are so blown away at how much change can happen in such a short amount of time…we took full advantage of all of it and it showed.
All you have to do is show up, show up for the sessions and watch the videos..it’s impossible for you to not have improvements. The energy work session is literally like doing work without having to do the work ourselves and things truly do change because of them.
Normally this type of work is so awkward…but the energy work really does set this apart from what anybody else in this filed offers…
We are looking forward to see what else we can create using the tools that we have learned.
A big thank you to you and your team Carolin.
Shannon & Mike

Book your free bring connection back session
Go from:
“We’ve tried everything!”
to “We are having honeymoon feelings for each other all day every day”
Read our Client’s Success Stories

“We are better than ever!”
When we first met Carolin our Marriage was on the brink of divorce. Through working with Carolin we were able to shift out of past resentments and overcome the differences that seemed insurmountable and we are now having the time of our lives..including doing the things we really want to do in life and with each other.
Miranda & Chad Weaver

“Our relationship as a couple has never been stronger”
Carolin has helped us shift our energy to a higher level. Our business has seen the most success this year, than over the last two decades – even in the middle of a pandemic! Our relationship as a couple has never been stronger. Carolin can immediately connect on an issue and through her constellations and coaching, bring clarity and alignment. We feel more connected with our own personal power and higher energy and it feels great! Thank you, Carolin! Much Love
oug and Teresa Edwards

“Carolin made it possible for me to live again rather than just exist.”
Carolin has been a light in our life , not only mine but my husbands, kids, and friends. I have been through a very painful past and Carolin made it possible for me to live again rather than just exist. Forever in your debt thank you Carolin…..and Carolin if you ever get a tattoo make sure it says “CHEERLEADER”