tumblr_n4kb84wK1u1rmq12qo1_500When you are first starting to build your business there is no way to know what activities you need to be focusing on to make money.  I learned this the hard way and nowadays people often ask me how it is possible for me to run a successful business, be a great mom, have time for a great love life and time to just be with myself too.

My answer is always, “because I have learned to focus my energy in the most effective ways into the tasks that will bring me the most results.”

Again, when you are first starting out, it seems like there is a mountain of things you need to accomplish and you get stopped in your tracks quickly by overwhelm.

I am committed to helping you build a business with ease.

Remember, building your business is as simple as you make it.

It might not be easy, and it does take guts and discipline, but I know you have both of these things or else you wouldn’t be reading this.

So what are the three things you must be focusing on when first starting out?

  1. Attracting clients
  2. Enrolling clients
  3. Mastering your emotions and your energy

Lets look at number 1: How do you attract clients?
You attract clients by positioning yourself as a creator of outcomes. Here is where most of us go wrong. We market or offer our service, our process. Like if you are an energy healer, you offer energy healing sessions or if you are a health coach you offer nutrition consultations. Now people don’t walk around thinking I need a nutrition consultation or energy work. They walk around thinking: “where is my soulmate”, “how can I feel young and good in my body”, “how can I lose weight”, “how can I make money”…etc.

This seems very counter intuitive, but you need to meet people where they are at.

This brings us to number two : Enrolling clients.
Yes you will have to get comfortable with offering/selling your services.

Unless someone hires you, you can’t really help them – And you are here to help people right?!

You’ll need to learn a way of enrolling clients that feels good to you and that ensures that you walk your prospective clients through a process that helps them get in touch with the reality that they are in, the stuff that’s not working, and you need to be able to show them what’s possible. To be able to hold such a space, again courage and guts are required. Most people will have their biggest transformation because they are saying yes and are investing in themselves through you. The great thing is, after people have enrolled to work with you, you get to do your energy stuff, your nutrition counseling or whatever tools you have in your tool box.

Now all of this only works if you know how to work with your own emotions and your own energy.

This brings us to priority number 3: Mastering your emotions and your energy.
As you embark on this new and uncharted territory of making money with your gifts. Stuff will come up and I am sure it has already come up. Remember that the only thing that is ever standing in the way of you having what you desire or not is fear. So how do you deal with fear?

Fear is a sensation in our body. When you are afraid, lots of loud voices are yelling at you in your head. Sit down, or even plunk yourself down on the floor. Shift your focus away from listening to those voices onto feeling the sensation in your body.

One of the most important skills you can ever learn is to FEEL your emotions rather than to think about them. When you feel them, you give yourself permission to be. When you allow yourself ‘to be’, your energy shifts. Fear will make you think you need to do more, but the truth is always that it’s about being more. Being more at ease, being more loving, being more open. Bringing the feminine into business is all about being more.

When you put your attention on your body you’ll soon feel a shift in your own energy. New ideas, a new sense of calm, the feeling that you indeed can do it will come over you. From this place you can move forward empowered and make the right decisions.

If you’d like to get help with learning how to attract clients, learning how to enroll clients at higher fees with ease then let’s chat…

Apply for 1 out of 4 Business Breakthrough Sessions next week.

So to wrap it up, when you are starting out, you don’t need to learn the latest and greatest Facebook strategies, you don’t need to learn how to create an info product, you don’t even need to have a website or branding. You need to decide that you love making money and that the time to make money is now. Then focus your entire energy on mastering the 3 priorities I just shared with you and you will be off to a great start.