In this video, you will learn 3 Ways To Have Sex Without Intercourse. Generally, people think that sex without intercourse is boring or lame or something like that..I am here to tell you it’s none of those things…it’s HOT! Karezza as it is also called has been a real sex education for me. In this video, you will learn about blissful sex without intercourse, karezza for beginners, the karezza method, and the karezza lifestyle. Karezza is sex without ejaculating lots of Foreplay and so much more. It’s also called bonding-based lovemaking or bonding-based loving watch this video and create a deeply bonded, sacred intimate union that last!


🔥 [FREE MASTERCLASS – SPOTS LIMITED] Learn the 5-Step GAME PLAN my Clients Use to go From Feeling Frustrated, Stuck, and Disconnected in their Intimacy to Feeling Deeply CONNECTED, EXCITED, and FULFILLED. (Even if You Feel Like Roommates Right Now or Like it’s Headed There) Grab Your Seat Here

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[IF YOU WANT HELP ASAP] 👩‍❤️‍👨 BOOK YOUR FREE INTIMACY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION WITH ME HERE. In this session, I will help you get clear on what needs to happen in your situation to reconnect and make your relationship amazing again. You will leave with a plan that you can implement right away.​