powerOften times, as a spirit-driven entrepreneur and healer, you feel that you have a very specific divine purpose. You have done a ton of trainings and worked on yourself, and you are really good at what you do, yet it’s been difficult to attract clients and make money with your gifts.

You know that you need to talk to people so that they “get” what you do and know that you can help them.

You know from marketing trainings and working with a business coach that you need to pick a direction, that you need to market an outcome that people are looking for.

You are afraid that if you “pick” the  wrong direction that you will “mess up” your mission. You have so many gifts and talents, and you feel that there has to be a way to bring all of them to your work. You are an artist, a musician, a rock climber, or a nature lover. You have developed your own way of working with people through your own life experience. You have grown and gone through “stuff,” and now you want to help others who are where you have been. Deep in your heart, you want nothing more than to bring all of you to the people who really need you right now. This is your greatest desire, and its fulfillment brings you the most joy and satisfaction.

Many of my clients come to me because they have been stuck in the same situation–the same situation you find yourself in–for years, resulting in them getting more and more stressed out because of no money (or very little) coming in, spouses are less and less willing to offer support, and their own belief and trust in themselves shrinks by the minute.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

Building your business and attracting clients is as simple as you make it. The good thing is, it all starts with you.

It starts with you making different choices and shifting into a new direction.

Business-building, by its nature, has been a very masculine, linear, and action-oriented endeavor, mostly because up until a few decades ago, only men had the privilege to build them. Men didn’t birth and raise children. Today, men still don’t birth and raise children, but with the Internet, the playing field leveled. It allows us, as women, to leverage our time and have a big impact while staying home and raising our children. (And if you aren’t a mom, I am sure you are giving your time and care to others, just as a mother does to her child or children.)

The point I want to make (and you are going to hear me say this over and over and over) is that there is a new way emerging.

A feminine way to do business. And, this new way is based on a whole new set of beliefs and possibilities. The most important one being that you create your reality. For many of us women, this is very hard to believe because, for so many years, this wasn’t the case. It is very deeply ingrained in our DNA that we don’t have any power.

It’s like with the elephant story. To train an elephant, the trainer ties one of its feet to a cement block when it is young. The elephant will struggle and struggle for days to be free, and it eventually gives up.

From that point forward, its owner need only to put a string around its leg and the elephant will not move. It believes it can’t. This is how it is with us women. We are all under an “I can’t” hypnosis, and it’s not men who put us there.

In choosing to build a business, you have made the choice to wake up from this trance. You may not have made this choice consciously, but here you are! Hi!

So, now that you are painfully aware that the beast, the “I can’t” hypnosis, is staring you in the eye, what can you do?

Well, the first step to transform something is to see it, and accept it.

Our capacity to receive money and clients and all those good-feeling things we are longing for comes with our own inner expansion. As your capacity to open yourself in trust and safety grows, so will your income.

This means the more you can love all of you, even the parts that are blocking you and holding you back, the faster you will see results. 

If you have been following me for a while, you know that a lot of what I teach is about using your body, your feminine body, to help you shift.

At first glance, your body and business-building don’t seem to have anything in common. Business-building seems to be purely a matter of mind. If you catch yourself feeling this way, remind yourself that this is the old way! The new way is all about moving from your head down into your heart. The feminine body is all about feeling. The only place you can feel is IN YOUR BODY!

I am giving you gold here! So, make no mistake in thinking this is all way too simple.

The quickest way to shift when you are feeling stuck is to commit. For example, when you committed to reaching out to people and letting them know about your services. Or, when you committed to the direction you’re going with your offer. If you still haven’t done these things, sit down and put a hand on your heart. Imagine you are sending the part of you that is scared to “get it wrong”–or the part that is scared people will judge and reject you–a big dose of love.

You will be amazed and what kind of ideas and new-found clarity you will have if you do this consistently.

If you like these tips and you’d like to dig a little deeper in learning about this new way of building your business, then I invite you to come and join me next Wednesday when you get another chance to join me live for “Monetize Your Mission–3 Keys to Making Money with Ease, Doing What YOU Love!” My brand new, cutting-edge training on the three keys to building a business that supports a feminine lifestyle, filled with time for yourself, your family, your lover, great health, and amazing clients.


Grab your seat


So, over next few days, I invite you to start observing how often you think and feel that you need to “do more,” and how much mind-chatter there is going on in your head about which direction you should go, what to offer your clients, and what to do next. All of this comes from not being clear and being too much in your head.

On Wednesday, I will share ways with you for instant clarity so that you can stop wasting time and energy on negative self-talk, and instead, start attracting clients making money.

I am looking forward to sharing space with you.


My Love to You!!



If you are looking for a mentor right now, and if you are ready to move forward and get the support you need, apply for your Confident Business Launch breakthrough session here:
During this session you will:

-Get clear on your vision
-Find out what are your next steps to attracting clients and making money
-Discover what is the number one thing that is holding you back.